Embracing Effort at Any Age: The Key to Lifelong Fulfilment

I was talking to a woman at the gym today and she told me about her amazing 92-year-old mum that lives by herself. Every day her mum gets up, gets dressed, does her make up and puts on her matching jewellery or accessories, irrespective of whether she’s going out or not. She reminded me of a remarkable centurion that I know called Ursula who is very similar (see photo of her at her 100th birthday party). She always has her nails done, her rings on, matching handbag to outfit. Ursula told me she wore high heels everyday well into her 80s!

In a world where youth is often celebrated, it’s easy to overlook the incredible potential of those who continue to strive and grow as they age. The truth is, making an effort, regardless of your age, is crucial for personal fulfilment. Here’s why it’s essential to keep pushing boundaries and embracing new challenges, no matter where you are in life.

 #### Lifelong Learning Keeps the Mind Sharp

Engaging in new activities and pursuing knowledge can significantly improve cognitive function. Studies show that continuous learning helps maintain mental agility and may even reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Whether it’s picking up a new hobby, learning a language, or taking a course, the effort you put into learning keeps your brain active and healthy.

 #### Personal Growth Never Stops

Age should never be a barrier to self-improvement. Each phase of life offers unique opportunities for growth. By setting new goals and working towards them, you can continually evolve and adapt. This not only enhances self-esteem but also provides a sense of purpose and direction.

#### Setting an Example for Younger Generations

Effort and perseverance are values that transcend age. By demonstrating a commitment to personal development and resilience, older adults can inspire younger generations. This intergenerational influence encourages a culture of lifelong learning and hard work, fostering a community where everyone strives to be their best selves.

#### Redefining Success and Happiness

Success is not confined to a particular stage of life. It’s about the ongoing journey and the efforts made along the way. By embracing challenges and striving for personal goals, individuals can find fulfilment and happiness at any age.

There’s something about making an effort, regardless of age, even if it’s just for yourself, that seems really important. Taking the time to make yourself feel good. Not letting standards slip as you age or saying “It’s just me so it doesn’t matter”. You do matter in getting dressed up for yourself is okay – it’s better than okay it’s bloody brilliant!

So, whether you’re 25 or 75, remember that your efforts matter. Embrace the challenges, continue to learn, get dressed up and keep pushing your boundaries—because it’s never too late.

Nicola Strudley